Calendar of Events


All events noted in Eastern Time

SIECUS Hosts Nationwide Sex Ed Week of Action

“The majority of Americans, regardless of political affiliation, believe sex education should be taught in schools. States that teach comprehensive sex education in their curriculum see lower STI rates, lower teen pregnancy rates and overall better well-being of students across the country. We are enthusiastic to see our national and state partners engage in our week of action to advocate for all students.”

Currently, only 33 states mandate sex education, and an overwhelming 34 states mandate sex or HIV/STI education to stress abstinence over other forms of contraceptive options. Only 13 states require sex education to include instruction on consent; 10 states have policies that affirm sexual orientation and gender identity; and many states explicitly require instruction that discriminates against LGBTQ+ youth.

Youth-Led Dating Violence Prevention Education

Faculty: Shael Norris

This presentation will focus on how educators can engage students as leaders in promoting healthy relationships. We will introduce our comprehensive library of evidence-based resources covering enthusiastic consent, bystander intervention, healthy relationships, online abuse/harassment, advocating for sexual assault prevention, improved response policies in schools, etc.
Cost: $30

Sex Educators as the Face of Policy

Faculty: Meg Bartlett-Chase

Rooted in her research on teachers’ experience with changing sex education policy, this session explores how teachers serve as the face of sex education policy for students and families. When policies or standards change, communities look to teachers, not the policy language. How can teachers best prepare for this role?
Cost: $30

Unmasking Crisis Pregnancy Centers: A Training for Educators on Navigating Tactics and Promoting Comprehensive Care

Cost: $150

This training helps educators understand the tactics used by crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) mislead individuals seeking reproductive health care. We will provide tools to navigate the misinformation and promote comprehensive, unbiased reproductive healthcare services. Educators will learn practical strategies to advocate for informed and accurate care for the young people in their lives.

Talking About Pornography

A 7-Part Sexual Health Education Series for Teens and Adults.

It is not about if your child/children will view pornography, it is about when.

Schools and families must intentionally filter out inappropriate sexual images so that they are not viewed by children. Nearly 50% of children who see pornography by accident say they can't forget that first image. The largest group of viewers of internet pornography is children 12-17. Want to learn more about the long-term impacts of pornography viewing? Want to learn how to talk to your kids? Then this workshop is for you!

This workshop is for anyone who works with or raises kids ages 12-18.

Teens 12+ can attend accompanied by an adult.

Partners in Sex Ed Conference: Request for Proposals

We invite proposals for engaging, informative, and interactive workshops that align with our mission to promote comprehensive and inclusive sex education for all. Our attendees are particularly appreciative of original lesson demonstrations with lesson plans to use in their classrooms.
We welcome submissions from educators, school administrators, healthcare professionals, advocates and activists, nonprofit organizations, community leaders, students and youth leaders. Teachers are eligible for 30 PDPs for presenting at a professional conference. Presenters attend free!

Draw The Line/Respect The Line (DTL/RTL): Training of Educators (TOE)

Cost: $175

This training explores the Draw the Line/Respect the Line sexual health education curriculum. Participants will learn theoretical foundations, research, and best practices for implementation. The training certifies attendees to teach the curriculum, equipping them to deliver it effectively to youth learners in various settings. We encourage all participants attending a curriculum training for educators to attend Awkward to Awesome and Sex Ed Staples to ensure preparedness to facilitate programming.

Inclusive Sex Education: Addressing Disability and Empowering Diversity

aculty: Sofia Mastrokoukou

This lecture explores the interdependencies of disability and sexuality through inclusive strategies to create learning opportunities for all. Emphasis is placed on consent, autonomy, and fostering empathy to create equitable learning environments for diverse identities and abilities.
Cost: $30

“Am I normal…? Is it okay if…?” Answering Student Questions About Sexual Health

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Young people have endless questions about their bodies, their relationships, their sexuality, and so much more. In this interactive, half-day workshop educators (and really anyone who finds themselves in conversations with youth!) will identify types of sexuality questions, examine the role personal values play in answering these questions, and develop facilitation skills needed to answer sexuality questions in their teaching. During the workshop, participants will practice responding to real questions from real kids, receive feedback, and leave with increased confidence in their ability to respond to challenging questions.

This training will take place on Zoom.

Periods and Wet Dreams: Teaching Puberty in Elementary School

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Puberty: a time of great (and sometimes daunting) change for both young people and the adults in their lives. This interactive, full-day training will provide educators, school nurses, youth-serving professionals, and other caring adults with skills and strategies for teaching pubescent youth about their changing bodies, emotional growth, and navigating the path to adulthood in a way that is inclusive of students of all genders and sexual identities. Through a social emotional learning lens, participants will have an opportunity to engage in lessons and activities that will build their own skills to teach anatomy, menstruation, hygiene, cultivating empathy, and more.

This training will take place on Zoom.

FLASH: Training of Educators (TOE)

Cost: $175

This training covers the core components of the FLASH sexual health education curriculum. Participants will learn best practices for delivering lessons and will be certified to teach the curriculum to youth learners by the end of the training. The session offers research-based approaches and practical strategies for engaging students. We encourage all participants attending a curriculum training for educators to attend Awkward to Awesome and Sex Ed Staples to ensure preparedness to facilitate programming.

Creating consent Culture

The 8 sessions(which will be recorded) will be every Wednesday in April and May (except for the last Wednesday in April) from 10am - noon PST/1 - 3pm EST.

This condensed course is best suited to people with a background in facilitation or education, but does not have any prerequisites. It includes:

8 sessions for instruction and sharing

An extra interactive session with an AI program that simulates facilitation

An anti racism component with a guest expert

A trauma informed component with a guest expert

An intake and exit interview

Promotion on my website as a certified facilitator

The opportunity for supportive collaboration moving forward

STD Awareness Month

This STD Awareness Month, ASHA is drawing attention to the importance of STD testing. As part of this effort, we are promoting a new campaign—YES Means TEST. Having sex is a choice, and so is saying healthy. Saying yes to sex should mean saying yes to test!

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

SAAM is about both awareness and prevention of sexual assault, harassment, and abuse. Looking at the history of the movement to end sexual violence: It’s impossible to prevent an issue no one knows about, and it’s difficult to make people aware of a problem without providing a solution. The two work in tandem.

Event Series STD Awareness Week

STD Awareness Week

STD Awareness Week, observed the second full week in April, provides an opportunity to raise awareness about STDs and how they impact our lives; reduce STD-related stigma, fear, and discrimination; and ensure people have the tools and knowledge to prevent, test for, and treat STDs.

Sexuality Education Cornerstone Seminar (SECS)

SECS is PPLM's most popular training opportunity for foundational information about sexuality education. SECS is designed for educators, youth-serving professionals, and individuals interested in sexuality education who are seeking a basic foundation of knowledge in sexuality and sexual health information that they can share with their populations. Participants receive up-to-date information about protection methods, anatomy, puberty, sexual and gender identity, communication, and sexually transmitted infections; they also develop the knowledge, skills, and practice needed to deliver information and answer questions related to sexuality. Each session of this lively, interactive seminar combines discussion and hands-on practical experience in specific subject areas.
In person: Tuesdays from April 15-17, 2025 (9:30am-4:00pm)

Creating a Culture of Child Protection

A 7-Part Sexual Health Education Series for Teens and Adults

Let's celebrate diversity!

In this workshop, you will learn about...

1. What gender is and is not.

2. Identity

3. Gender Expression

4. Biological Sex

5. Sexual Orientation

6. The Gender Unicorn

This workshop is for anyone who works with or raises kids ages 12-18.

Teens 12+ can attend accompanied by an adult.

Examining Sexually Explicit Media: Tools for Conversations with Youth

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Sexually Explicit Media (SEM) is one way that youth are learning about sexuality. Using the lens of media literacy education, this interactive, one-day training will provide educators, youth workers, and professionals with an opportunity to explore how pornography can play a role in young people's sexual development and sexuality, their awareness of gender and gender stereotypes, consent, sexual behavior, bodies and body image, healthy and unhealthy relationships, and sexual identity. Participants will learn strategies to teach critical thinking skills about media literacy, how to discuss SEM with young people, and leave with activities to utilize in the classroom.

This training will take place on Zoom.

May Lunch-N-Learn: Preventing Sexual Violence—Understanding the Bystander Effect

Cost: Free!

This session delves into the bystander effect and how to empower individuals to intervene effectively in preventing sexual violence. The training provides strategies for fostering a culture of accountability, recognizing opportunities to act, and creating supportive environments where bystanders feel confident to speak up and act against sexual violence.

New England Sex Ed Conference 2025

Are you in the process of updating your Health Ed curriculum to align with new frameworks and standards? Are you unsure of how to advocate for your work with your school committee? Do you need some fresh new lesson plans to energize your curriculum? Do you wish you had more colleagues to share materials and strategies with? If so, this Partners in Sex Ed conference is for you. Full day conference eligible for PDPs. Free to attend if you are a presenter

Talking About Sex Trafficking

A 7-Part Sexual Health Education Series for Teens and Adults

Let's shine some light on a dark topic.

In this workshop, you will learn about:

1. The definition of sex trafficking

2. Who is trafficking who

3. Luring tactics used

4. Recruitment

5. Barriers to exiting

6. Resources

This workshop is for anyone who works with or raises kids ages 12-18.

Teens 12+ can attend accompanied by an adult.

Pansexual & Panromantic Visibility Day

If you identify as panromantic or pansexual – enjoy the 24th of May. If you know someone who does, let them know you’re thinking of them. Validation and acceptance makes the human experience all that more wonderous. If you neither identify or know someone – but you’ve learned something new about the wonderful variety that human beings come in, share on social media, have a conversation, do some reading. The more connected we are, the happier we are.

Event Series Pride Month

Pride Month

Pride events are held around the world during June as a way of recognizing the influence LGBTQ+ people have had around the world. June is when the Stonewall Riots took place in 1969.

National Sex Educator Appreciation Day

Sex educators are fun, passionate and highly qualified professionals, often with advanced degrees, who make the world a better, happier, safer place, and save lives. But it is a misunderstood profession. From abstinence only funding, to censorship, community backlash and harassment, an overarching cultural shame of sexuality that makes our students hard to reach, and a profound society-wide misconception about what sexuality educators even do and why it's important, sex educators are up against a lot when they go to work every day. On June 9, thank a sex educator for the important but often underpaid and unappreciated work they do.

AASECT Annual Conference St Louis, MO

Get the latest information relating to sex counseling, therapy, education, and more! In-person and Virtual. In a time when fundamental human rights are not guaranteed, we face some of the most significant challenges of our time. AASECT joins in answering new calls to collective liberation — where underutilized and historically oppressed voices are centered, where advocacy is transformed into action, and where we can create a more just world for all of us.

Awkward to Awesome: Core Skills

Cost: $200

For over 25 years, EyesOpenIowa has been a nationwide leader in adolescent sexual health education. Our signature 'Awkward to Awesome' training equips educators and health professionals with the skills to turn awkward moments into teaching opportunities. This one-day, in-person training, held in the EyesOpenIowa Training Hall in West Des Moines, Iowa, covers essential topics such as responding to sensitive questions, values clarification, boundaries and self-disclosure, and more! Required for Certified Sexual Health Educator (CSHE) certification, this dynamic session is led by experienced trainers and offers practical skills along with networking opportunities. Whether you're new to sex ed or a seasoned professional, you'll gain the confidence to deliver inclusive, impactful lessons.

Sex Ed Staples: Core Content

Cost: $200

For over 25 years, EyesOpenIowa has been a trusted leader in adolescent sexual health education. "Sex Ed Staples" is a one-day, in-person training held in the EyesOpenIowa Training Hall, located in our office in West Des Moines, Iowa. It covers essential topics like puberty, reproductive anatomy, methods of protection, and STD/STI prevention, along with best practices for teaching them. With follow-up asynchronous content, participants gain the core knowledge needed to effectively facilitate sexual health education. This training is also required for Certified Sexual Health Educator (CSHE) certification, making it ideal for both newcomers and experienced educators.


Juneteenth commemorates African American freedom and emphasizes education and achievement. It is a time for reflection and rejoicing. It is a time for assessment, self-improvement and for planning the future. In cities across the country, people of all races, nationalities and religions are joining hands to truthfully acknowledge a period in our history that shaped and continues to influence our society today.

Screenwise: Guiding Teen Decision Making Through the Digital Age

Cost: $150

This training is designed for anyone helping young people navigate the online landscape. It covers strategies for supporting teens in managing online safety, sexting, and exposure to explicit content. With interactive activities and discussion, participants will learn how to ground themselves when talking about sensitive topics, helping teens form their own values and beliefs. The training views these issues through a legal and practical lens, empowering teens to make responsible digital decisions.

Anniversary of Stonewall Riots

The Stonewall Riots, also called the Stonewall Uprising, began in the early hours of June 28, 1969 when New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club located in Greenwich Village in New York City. The Stonewall Riots served as a catalyst for the gay rights movement in the United States and around the world.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Month

Awareness helps the public understand that symptoms like irregular periods and pelvic pain are not something to be ignored and getting it checked is necessary. While there is no cure for PCOS, there are treatments that can help ease the stress and complications of specific symptoms. The more people that are informed of PCOS the better chances for early diagnosis.

Event Series Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Banned Books Week was launched in 1982 in response to a sudden surge in the number of challenges to books in schools, bookstores and libraries. Typically held during the last week of September, it highlights the value of free and open access to information.


Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an international health campaign that’s held every October. The month aims to promote screening and prevention of the disease, which affects 2.3 million women worldwide. Known best for its pink theme color, the month features a number of campaigns and programs — conducted by groups ranging from breast cancer advocacy organizations to local community organizations to major retailers.

October is “Let’s Talk Month”

Advocates for Youth sponsors Let’s Talk Month. Observed each October by states and communities throughout the country, Let’s Talk Month emphasizes the importance of young people and the adults they trust talking about sex.

Advocates for Youth recently updated its Let’s Talk Month Planning Guidebook. The guidebook provides strategic tips and examples to help local communities plan and implement activities for Let’s Talk Month. It also includes fact sheets, guidance for involving youth and working with the media, and sample forms.

The National Sex Ed Conference.

Are you a sexuality educator, health educator, professor, school teacher, nurse, counselor, case manager, social worker, therapist, or someone who works in a related field? If so, this conference is for you!
Hosted by The Center for Sex Education, this conference is the perfect opportunity to share your knowledge and engage with professionals in the field. ($560)

International Sex Education Day!

Sex Education Alliance

Talking to kids about sex and relationships can change their futures — and the world. Sex education, at home, in school, and even at the doctor’s office can improve self-esteem and self-image, reduce at-risk sexual behavior, reduce teenage pregnancy, and improve grades, test scores, and educational outcomes.

SIECUS Hosts Nationwide Sex Ed Week of Action

“The majority of Americans, regardless of political affiliation, believe sex education should be taught in schools. States that teach comprehensive sex education in their curriculum see lower STI rates, lower teen pregnancy rates and overall better well-being of students across the country. We are enthusiastic to see our national and state partners engage in our week of action to advocate for all students.”

Currently, only 33 states mandate sex education, and an overwhelming 34 states mandate sex or HIV/STI education to stress abstinence over other forms of contraceptive options. Only 13 states require sex education to include instruction on consent; 10 states have policies that affirm sexual orientation and gender identity; and many states explicitly require instruction that discriminates against LGBTQ+ youth.

Event Series STD Awareness Month

STD Awareness Month

This STD Awareness Month, ASHA is drawing attention to the importance of STD testing. As part of this effort, we are promoting a new campaign—YES Means TEST. Having sex is a choice, and so is saying healthy. Saying yes to sex should mean saying yes to test!

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

SAAM is about both awareness and prevention of sexual assault, harassment, and abuse. Looking at the history of the movement to end sexual violence: It’s impossible to prevent an issue no one knows about, and it’s difficult to make people aware of a problem without providing a solution. The two work in tandem.

Event Series STD Awareness Week

STD Awareness Week

STD Awareness Week, observed the second full week in April, provides an opportunity to raise awareness about STDs and how they impact our lives; reduce STD-related stigma, fear, and discrimination; and ensure people have the tools and knowledge to prevent, test for, and treat STDs.

Pansexual & Panromantic Visibility Day

If you identify as panromantic or pansexual – enjoy the 24th of May. If you know someone who does, let them know you’re thinking of them. Validation and acceptance makes the human experience all that more wonderous. If you neither identify or know someone – but you’ve learned something new about the wonderful variety that human beings come in, share on social media, have a conversation, do some reading. The more connected we are, the happier we are.

Event Series Pride Month

Pride Month

Pride events are held around the world during June as a way of recognizing the influence LGBTQ+ people have had around the world. June is when the Stonewall Riots took place in 1969.

National Sex Educator Appreciation Day

Sex educators are fun, passionate and highly qualified professionals, often with advanced degrees, who make the world a better, happier, safer place, and save lives. But it is a misunderstood profession. From abstinence only funding, to censorship, community backlash and harassment, an overarching cultural shame of sexuality that makes our students hard to reach, and a profound society-wide misconception about what sexuality educators even do and why it's important, sex educators are up against a lot when they go to work every day. On June 9, thank a sex educator for the important but often underpaid and unappreciated work they do.

AASECT Annual Conference St Louis, MO

Get the latest information relating to sex counseling, therapy, education, and more! In-person and Virtual. In a time when fundamental human rights are not guaranteed, we face some of the most significant challenges of our time. AASECT joins in answering new calls to collective liberation — where underutilized and historically oppressed voices are centered, where advocacy is transformed into action, and where we can create a more just world for all of us.


Juneteenth commemorates African American freedom and emphasizes education and achievement. It is a time for reflection and rejoicing. It is a time for assessment, self-improvement and for planning the future. In cities across the country, people of all races, nationalities and religions are joining hands to truthfully acknowledge a period in our history that shaped and continues to influence our society today.

Anniversary of Stonewall Riots

The Stonewall Riots, also called the Stonewall Uprising, began in the early hours of June 28, 1969 when New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club located in Greenwich Village in New York City. The Stonewall Riots served as a catalyst for the gay rights movement in the United States and around the world.

Event Series Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Month

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Month

Awareness helps the public understand that symptoms like irregular periods and pelvic pain are not something to be ignored and getting it checked is necessary. While there is no cure for PCOS, there are treatments that can help ease the stress and complications of specific symptoms. The more people that are informed of PCOS the better chances for early diagnosis.

Event Series Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Banned Books Week was launched in 1982 in response to a sudden surge in the number of challenges to books in schools, bookstores and libraries. Typically held during the last week of September, it highlights the value of free and open access to information.



Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an international health campaign that’s held every October. The month aims to promote screening and prevention of the disease, which affects 2.3 million women worldwide. Known best for its pink theme color, the month features a number of campaigns and programs — conducted by groups ranging from breast cancer advocacy organizations to local community organizations to major retailers.

Event Series October is “Let’s Talk Month”

October is “Let’s Talk Month”

Advocates for Youth sponsors Let’s Talk Month. Observed each October by states and communities throughout the country, Let’s Talk Month emphasizes the importance of young people and the adults they trust talking about sex.

Advocates for Youth recently updated its Let’s Talk Month Planning Guidebook. The guidebook provides strategic tips and examples to help local communities plan and implement activities for Let’s Talk Month. It also includes fact sheets, guidance for involving youth and working with the media, and sample forms.

Event Series The National Sex Ed Conference.

The National Sex Ed Conference.

Are you a sexuality educator, health educator, professor, school teacher, nurse, counselor, case manager, social worker, therapist, or someone who works in a related field? If so, this conference is for you!
Hosted by The Center for Sex Education, this conference is the perfect opportunity to share your knowledge and engage with professionals in the field. ($560)

International Sex Education Day!

Sex Education Alliance

Talking to kids about sex and relationships can change their futures — and the world. Sex education, at home, in school, and even at the doctor’s office can improve self-esteem and self-image, reduce at-risk sexual behavior, reduce teenage pregnancy, and improve grades, test scores, and educational outcomes.

SIECUS Hosts Nationwide Sex Ed Week of Action

“The majority of Americans, regardless of political affiliation, believe sex education should be taught in schools. States that teach comprehensive sex education in their curriculum see lower STI rates, lower teen pregnancy rates and overall better well-being of students across the country. We are enthusiastic to see our national and state partners engage in our week of action to advocate for all students.”

Currently, only 33 states mandate sex education, and an overwhelming 34 states mandate sex or HIV/STI education to stress abstinence over other forms of contraceptive options. Only 13 states require sex education to include instruction on consent; 10 states have policies that affirm sexual orientation and gender identity; and many states explicitly require instruction that discriminates against LGBTQ+ youth.

Event Series STD Awareness Month

STD Awareness Month

This STD Awareness Month, ASHA is drawing attention to the importance of STD testing. As part of this effort, we are promoting a new campaign—YES Means TEST. Having sex is a choice, and so is saying healthy. Saying yes to sex should mean saying yes to test!

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

SAAM is about both awareness and prevention of sexual assault, harassment, and abuse. Looking at the history of the movement to end sexual violence: It’s impossible to prevent an issue no one knows about, and it’s difficult to make people aware of a problem without providing a solution. The two work in tandem.

Event Series STD Awareness Week

STD Awareness Week

STD Awareness Week, observed the second full week in April, provides an opportunity to raise awareness about STDs and how they impact our lives; reduce STD-related stigma, fear, and discrimination; and ensure people have the tools and knowledge to prevent, test for, and treat STDs.

Pansexual & Panromantic Visibility Day

If you identify as panromantic or pansexual – enjoy the 24th of May. If you know someone who does, let them know you’re thinking of them. Validation and acceptance makes the human experience all that more wonderous. If you neither identify or know someone – but you’ve learned something new about the wonderful variety that human beings come in, share on social media, have a conversation, do some reading. The more connected we are, the happier we are.