Calendar of Events
All events noted in Eastern Time
World Sexual Health Day
The World Association for Sexual Health has invited many audiences to celebrate World Sexual Health and join this initiative to promote sexual health, well-being and rights for all. This year’s theme is Consent
Banned Books Week
Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Banned Books Week was launched in 1982 in response to a sudden surge in the number of challenges to books in schools, bookstores and libraries. Typically held during the last week of September, it highlights the value of free and open access to information.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an international health campaign that’s held every October. The month aims to promote screening and prevention of the disease, which affects 2.3 million women worldwide. Known best for its pink theme color, the month features a number of campaigns and programs — conducted by groups ranging from breast cancer advocacy organizations to local community organizations to major retailers.
October is “Let’s Talk Month”
Advocates for Youth sponsors Let’s Talk Month. Observed each October by states and communities throughout the country, Let’s Talk Month emphasizes the importance of young people and the adults they trust talking about sex.
Advocates for Youth recently updated its Let’s Talk Month Planning Guidebook. The guidebook provides strategic tips and examples to help local communities plan and implement activities for Let’s Talk Month. It also includes fact sheets, guidance for involving youth and working with the media, and sample forms.
National Bullying Prevention Month
A month long event founded by PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center to prevent childhood bullying and promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. Download student activity kit here. Unity Day is October 19th
National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day
National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) is observed each year on October 15 to raise awareness about the impact of HIV on the Latinx community in the United States.
The National Sex Ed Conference.
Are you a sexuality educator, health educator, professor, school teacher, nurse, counselor, case manager, social worker, therapist, or someone who works in a related field? If so, this conference is for you!
Hosted by The Center for Sex Education, this conference is the perfect opportunity to share your knowledge and engage with professionals in the field. ($560)
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (TDVAM). This is an issue that impacts everyone – not just teens – but their parents, teachers, friends and communities as well. Together, we can raise the nation’s awareness about teen dating violence and promote safe, healthy relationships.
International Sex Education Day!
Sex Education Alliance
Talking to kids about sex and relationships can change their futures — and the world. Sex education, at home, in school, and even at the doctor’s office can improve self-esteem and self-image, reduce at-risk sexual behavior, reduce teenage pregnancy, and improve grades, test scores, and educational outcomes.
SIECUS Hosts Nationwide Sex Ed Week of Action
“The majority of Americans, regardless of political affiliation, believe sex education should be taught in schools. States that teach comprehensive sex education in their curriculum see lower STI rates, lower teen pregnancy rates and overall better well-being of students across the country. We are enthusiastic to see our national and state partners engage in our week of action to advocate for all students.”
Currently, only 33 states mandate sex education, and an overwhelming 34 states mandate sex or HIV/STI education to stress abstinence over other forms of contraceptive options. Only 13 states require sex education to include instruction on consent; 10 states have policies that affirm sexual orientation and gender identity; and many states explicitly require instruction that discriminates against LGBTQ+ youth.
National Women’s History Month
Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history.
LGBT Health Awareness Week
LGBT Health Awareness Week is a time to bring attention to the devastating cycle of discrimination and health disparities that affect lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.
Two-Spirit and Indigenous LGBTQ+ Awareness to Celebration Day
This annual event will recognize and celebrate the diverse sexualities and gender expressions that exist within our Indigenous communities.
International Transgender Day of Visibility
Trans Day of Visibility is an annual awareness day celebrated around the world. The day is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of transgender and gender nonconforming people while raising awareness of the work that still needs to be done to achieve trans justice.
STD Awareness Month
This STD Awareness Month, ASHA is drawing attention to the importance of STD testing. As part of this effort, we are promoting a new campaign—YES Means TEST. Having sex is a choice, and so is saying healthy. Saying yes to sex should mean saying yes to test!
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
SAAM is about both awareness and prevention of sexual assault, harassment, and abuse. Looking at the history of the movement to end sexual violence: It’s impossible to prevent an issue no one knows about, and it’s difficult to make people aware of a problem without providing a solution. The two work in tandem.
National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD)
This annual observance recognizes the impact of HIV/AIDS on the lives of young people
STD Awareness Week
STD Awareness Week, observed the second full week in April, provides an opportunity to raise awareness about STDs and how they impact our lives; reduce STD-related stigma, fear, and discrimination; and ensure people have the tools and knowledge to prevent, test for, and treat STDs.
Sex Ed For All Month
A month focused on providing young people with the sexual health information and access to resources they need and deserve in order to make healthy decisions for themselves.
Pride Month
Pride events are held around the world during June as a way of recognizing the influence LGBTQ+ people have had around the world. June is when the Stonewall Riots took place in 1969.
National Sex Educator Appreciation Day
Sex educators are fun, passionate and highly qualified professionals, often with advanced degrees, who make the world a better, happier, safer place, and save lives. But it is a misunderstood profession. From abstinence only funding, to censorship, community backlash and harassment, an overarching cultural shame of sexuality that makes our students hard to reach, and a profound society-wide misconception about what sexuality educators even do and why it's important, sex educators are up against a lot when they go to work every day. On June 9, thank a sex educator for the important but often underpaid and unappreciated work they do.
AASECT Annual Conference St Louis, MO
Get the latest information relating to sex counseling, therapy, education, and more! In-person and Virtual. In a time when fundamental human rights are not guaranteed, we face some of the most significant challenges of our time. AASECT joins in answering new calls to collective liberation — where underutilized and historically oppressed voices are centered, where advocacy is transformed into action, and where we can create a more just world for all of us.
Celebrating Disability Pride Month
Disability Pride Month is celebrated each year in July. Disability Pride initially started as a day of celebration in 1990—the year that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law.
Banned Books Week
Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Banned Books Week was launched in 1982 in response to a sudden surge in the number of challenges to books in schools, bookstores and libraries. Typically held during the last week of September, it highlights the value of free and open access to information.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an international health campaign that’s held every October. The month aims to promote screening and prevention of the disease, which affects 2.3 million women worldwide. Known best for its pink theme color, the month features a number of campaigns and programs — conducted by groups ranging from breast cancer advocacy organizations to local community organizations to major retailers.
The National Sex Ed Conference.
Are you a sexuality educator, health educator, professor, school teacher, nurse, counselor, case manager, social worker, therapist, or someone who works in a related field? If so, this conference is for you!
Hosted by The Center for Sex Education, this conference is the perfect opportunity to share your knowledge and engage with professionals in the field. ($560)
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (TDVAM). This is an issue that impacts everyone – not just teens – but their parents, teachers, friends and communities as well. Together, we can raise the nation’s awareness about teen dating violence and promote safe, healthy relationships.
SIECUS Hosts Nationwide Sex Ed Week of Action
“The majority of Americans, regardless of political affiliation, believe sex education should be taught in schools. States that teach comprehensive sex education in their curriculum see lower STI rates, lower teen pregnancy rates and overall better well-being of students across the country. We are enthusiastic to see our national and state partners engage in our week of action to advocate for all students.”
Currently, only 33 states mandate sex education, and an overwhelming 34 states mandate sex or HIV/STI education to stress abstinence over other forms of contraceptive options. Only 13 states require sex education to include instruction on consent; 10 states have policies that affirm sexual orientation and gender identity; and many states explicitly require instruction that discriminates against LGBTQ+ youth.
National Women’s History Month
Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history.
Two-Spirit and Indigenous LGBTQ+ Awareness to Celebration Day
This annual event will recognize and celebrate the diverse sexualities and gender expressions that exist within our Indigenous communities.
National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD)
This annual observance recognizes the impact of HIV/AIDS on the lives of young people
Banned Books Week
Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Banned Books Week was launched in 1982 in response to a sudden surge in the number of challenges to books in schools, bookstores and libraries. Typically held during the last week of September, it highlights the value of free and open access to information.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an international health campaign that’s held every October. The month aims to promote screening and prevention of the disease, which affects 2.3 million women worldwide. Known best for its pink theme color, the month features a number of campaigns and programs — conducted by groups ranging from breast cancer advocacy organizations to local community organizations to major retailers.