Resources for Parents
We know that these conversations can be challenging. Get support here!
Talk More is an organization focused on providing resources to families and other trusted adults to support their ability to have positive and proactive conversations about healthy sexuality throughout childhood in age-appropriate ways. Visit Talk More to download our Parent Planners, join a Caregiver Workshop, or request specific support in program development or training
Saleema Noon Sexual Health Educators are smart and engaging professionals providing safe, inclusive and current information to children, teens and parents. With over thirty years combined teaching experience, they achieve a perfect balance of tackling serious topics in a way that is youthful, fun and lighthearted. They provide workshops for youth and for parents, talking tips and downloadable resources
You know that talking with your kids about sex and growing up is important, but it’s tempting to put it off. The reality is that these conversations can’t wait. AMAZE videos are here to help you break the ice and start these critical conversations so that your kids get the accurate information they need.
Every child should experience a healthy, happy childhood, free from sexual abuse and exploitation. Power Up offers effective and customized sexual health tutorials and workshops designed to provide a FUN and RELAXED atmosphere where parents, educators and kids can increase their knowledge, motivation and skills to achieve optimal sexual health.
Askable Parents offers inclusive and comprehensive sexual health education workshops for young people and for families. They provide private consultations for parents and caregivers to support you to talk with your own children about these important topics. They provide guidance for parents to better understand the sexual health education being taught at your children's schools.
Sarah Sproule supports parents and other caring adults to stay connected to their growing kids by having conversations about bodies, sex of all types, and consent. I specifically support adults who now realize they've had difficult experiences in their past and are struggling to get past their nervous system that is telling them talking to kids about sex and related topics is too dangerous to do.
Always offers free puberty education materials for parents & carers. Puberty is a big milestone for you and your child. By talking openly about the changes they are experiencing and being ready to answer their questions you will provide them with the support and help they need to build their confidence.
Talk With Your Kids - All kids learn about topics related to their bodies, health and relationships. Make sure they learn it from you first. Talk with your kids openly, honestly and often. Let them know that they can go to you for help and information, and remind them that you are there to share resources and provide support.