These are all quality sex education curricula. Contact us for more information about which will be most appropriate for your community.
A K-12 elementary, middle and high school comprehensive sex education curriculum, available online and with companion training. UN|HUSHED offers innovative, flexible, radically up-to-date, digitally accessible, evidence informed, and participant focused materials—any skill level of sexuality educator can use right away.
A curriculum of Planned Parenthood League of Mass that emphasizes social and emotional skills as a key component of healthy relationships and responsible decision making. There is a middle school version (grades 6-8) and a high school version (most appropriate for grades 9-10). Companion workbooks are available
Maine Family Planning have 3 curricula: Puberty Happens (Gr. 4-6), Middle School Sexual Health (Gr. 6-8), and Best Practices in STI/HIV and Pregnancy Prevention (Gr. 9-12). These include activities and objectives that align with the Maine Learning Results for Health Education and the National Sex Education Standards.
Free, inclusive, comprehensive curriculum for high school developed by the San Fransisco Unified School District. Be Real. Be Ready. challenges students to consider what they want from a healthy relationship, how to assess various levels of risk, what are the most effective measures for birth control, and how to navigate conversations about sex with peers and romantic partners.
A teacher-friendly digital curriculum for grades 4-6. Puberty: The Wonder Years provides teacher-friendly lesson plans, scripts, training, and resources. Family engagement strategies are implemented to protect students, strengthen the school-family partnership, and build support for teaching puberty education.
The Sex Ed Store sells curricula and educator resources by The Center for Sex Education. Teaching manuals, sex ed books, and other resources address sexuality education through the lifespan, used throughout the United States and worldwide.
Sexuality Education for People with Developmental Disabilities
This one-of-a-kind curriculum has been field-tested and praised by experts and laypeople alike. It’s cognitively accessible and designed for teams of self-advocates, staff and teachers to co-lead an inspiring and engaging sexuality class.
Sexual Harassment - Prevention in Schools: Free Facilitator's Manual and Curriculum for Grades 1 through 12. This manual provides practical tools and information to use when approaching schools, planning and presenting sexual violence prevention programs, and providing evaluations and feedback to schools.