Calendar of Events


All events noted in Eastern Time

Stacking the Deck: Using Games in Sex Ed

Kelly Jean Gainor
Using games to teach sensitive content is nothing new, every sex educator has a few in their bag of tricks! But games can be used for so much more than just increasing participation, including developing rapport, increasing comfort, and decreasing stigma. Join us to learn more about the best (and most fun) ways to use games in your classroom. $30

June Lunch-N-Learn: Managing Our Hot Buttons

Educators don’t just appear from thin air, we’re whole people with lived experiences (and lots of them!). Experiences and opinions shape the education we provide, even when we try to do so from an unbiased lens. By managing our “hot buttons”, the topics that make us feel activated, we can ensure better outcomes for learners and better enforcement of classroom boundaries. Grab a coworker and join us for a hearty lunch break.

Free! Listen and watch "podcast style" live, or view the recordings later on, our on-demand training platform.

*2023 Lunch-N-Learns count as 0.5 hrs towards CSHE certification and re-certification
Advanced registration is required.

Acceptable Use: Online Censorship and Its Impact on Sex Education

Suzannah Weiss
The internet in the aftermath of FOSTA-SESTA has cracked down on sexual information, perpetuating a culture where many people’s main source of sexual media is mainstream porn. In addition to examining and contextualizing this problem, this talk will present workarounds and alternative platforms that allow sex educators to continue increasing access to information. $30

Puberty Conversations for Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth

Mary Cupelo & Jessica Dennison This presentation will give caregivers and educators the language and resources to have affirmative and inclusive conversations about puberty. While applicable to all youth, this presentation focuses on how to have puberty conversations with transgender and gender diverse youth that are experiencing gender dysphoria.

Ableism and Intimate Relationships

Alexa Strickland & Kathy O’Connell
The purpose of this presentation is to discuss how ableism can present in societal and relational contexts and create challenges for people with disabilities in the areas of dating and relationships. This presentation will include research conducted by the presenter to highlight how people with disabilities can experience ableism in dating and relationships. $30

Finally Enough Love: Building Transgender, Non-binary, and Gender-expansive Affirming Schools

Participants will be introduced to the basic language, terminology, and concepts for understanding sexual orientation and gender diversity. The facilitator will guide participants into a deeper understanding of how to support transgender, non-binary, and gender-expansive students (TNGE) in k-12 schools. The goal of this session is to establish foundational knowledge from which to build affirming and inclusive practices in schools. Aug 29 & Aug 31 $300

Talking about Sex Education with Parents and Teachers in Pakistan

We engaged teachers and parents about their interaction with younger individuals related to sexual education. The participants had inadequate knowledge of sex education. The parents unlike teachers opposed sex education at schools. The participants were more concerned about the risks than the benefits of sexual education.

“Am I normal…? Is it okay if…?” Answering Student Questions About Sexual Health

In this interactive, half-day workshop educators will identify types of sexuality questions, examine the role personal values play in answering these questions, and develop facilitation skills needed to answer sexuality questions in their teaching. During the workshop, participants will practice responding to real questions from real kids, receive feedback, and leave with increased confidence in their ability to respond to challenging questions. Zoom $150

Then and Now: A Sex Ed Story 30 Years Apart

Kelley Dennings, Sydney Cole, Lisa Schulze, & Malia Becker
Join us for an informative webinar showcasing the thought-provoking campaign, “Contraception Conversations.” This session will feature a live discussion on public school sex education in Nebraska, featuring two individuals who attended the same high school with a significant time gap of 30 years. Gain valuable insights into the changes and advancements in comprehensive sex education advocacy over the years. $30

Ending HIV | “Why Caring About Ending HIV = Caring About Sex Ed!

Join us for a live-streaming conversation talking about the HIV epidemic and the role of sex education in demystifying and destigmatizing HIV. Free
- Build connections: Deepen your knowledge about how equipping individuals with accurate information and fostering a culture of open dialogue around sexuality are pivotal steps toward ending the HIV epidemic.
- Policy solutions: Whether you're a healthcare professional, educator, or community advocate, you can learn what federal policies support HIV prevention, people living with HIV, and sex education.