About Us

About Us

Partners in Sex Education has been providing comprehensive sex education to Greater Boston Area schools since 2006, and we have been running the annual New England Sex Educator’s Conference since 2011.

Our goals are to increase the availability of age appropriate, factual and culturally relevant sex education to students, and to provide support for educators delivering comprehensive sex education.

Our overall mission is to give young people the information and skills they need to become happy, healthy adults. 

Jane Detwiler ONE Condoms

Comprehensive sex education supports youth by giving them critical tools to navigate a world of confusing and often contradictory information.

Schools are ideally situated to confront misinformation directly through age-appropriate and evidence informed sexuality education programming. In addition, school-based sex education is most effective when it supports parents and caregivers as primary sex educators of their children.

Partners in Sex Education programs have involved parents and caregivers through parent meetings, and homework designed to inspire conversations about healthy relationships and sexuality at home.

We believe in equal access to age appropriate, factual and culturally relevant comprehensive sexuality information for everyone, across race, class, ability, gender identity, and sexual orientation.

We believe in respect for self and others as essential for healthy communication, and we believe in consent based sexuality education as the foundation of healthy relationships.

Sex Ed Photo

Comprehensive Sex Education…

Dispells misinformation about sex and sexuality

Builds effective communication skills

Reduces risks of STDs, including HIV and unintended pregnancies

Supports accessing health services

Teaches healthy relationships

Ready to get started? Want to learn more?

Contact us